Not Today Cancer - The Blog

A weekly dose of joy, inspiration & information to help you restore your wellbeing throughout your cancer journey in 5 minutes a week.

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Embracing the Power of Plants
In today's BLOG, we're diving into the importance of incorporating more plant-based foods into our diets and how it can positively impact our health and well-being.
Fact: Did you know that studies have shown a strong association between a plant based diet and a reduced risk of recurrence...
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What to Say to a Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patient breast cancer 101

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be a life-altering and overwhelming experience for anyone. As a friend, family member, or acquaintance, knowing what to say to someone who has just been diagnosed can make a significant difference in their emotional well-being and journey through...

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Coping with Breast Cancer Emotionally breast cancer 101 mental wellbeing

Nurturing Emotional Resilience: Coping with Breast Cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be an overwhelming experience that affects every aspect of a person's life. From the physical challenges to the emotional rollercoaster, navigating the journey of breast cancer requires a...

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Breast Cancer Diagnosis? 10 Tips to Help You breast cancer 101

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be a life-altering moment that brings about a whirlwind of emotions and questions.  I get it, I’ve walked your path, so I understand what you are going through. I went through my breast cancer diagnosis in 2021. While the journey ahead may seem...

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You are meant to thrive through cancer, not just survive.

Are you a woman living through a breast cancer diagnosis? Do you feel overwhelmed, scared, and unsure about the future? 

It's time to regain control of your personal wellbeing and embrace the new you. Reset & Rise is a transformative community designed specifically for women like you, providing guidance, support, and empowerment to help you navigate the physical, mental, and emotional challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis.)

Learn more about this intimate community here

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